Monday, September 8, 2008

first entry

Hi this is Sue

Non fiction creative is building on your reality. It is how you, the writer, use words to bring more power, more emotion to the text. It gives the reader an image of what the author wrote. For example, Jane walked down the street. This sentences has no emotion and does not give a clear visual for the reader. It should read - Jane floated down the street. Now the reader can picture the emotion of happiness or joy, and maybe a cloud or two. Just by the insert of a new word gives the sentence an emotion. The sentence with the word "floated" created a emotion that was not there with the word "walk".


S. Chandler said...

I agree that CNF starts in reality and builds on it and that one of the ways some authors build on reality is to bring more emotion to it and to provide vivid images. Yep. I am with you there. What else? What distinguishes CNF from fiction? From regular essays? How is it "built" (can you recognize it by its form alone - or is it the content/subject matter that distinguishes it?)

As you read the three examples - did the similarities and differences in those readings help you begin to develop a more definite idea about what CNF is?

woozie300 said...

Hi can you tell me which email has my grade on it.