Sunday, November 23, 2008

blog 19

I sent draft 4 to you as an email attachment.

blog 18

For this blog we were suppose to reflect on the comments that were made to us by our classmates, but I was absent because my husband was a baby. No, that was mean, he was sick and wanted me to take care of him. Some times he is worse than my two REAL children. Any way I was not in class to get the feed back and I will make my own.But life must go on.

So I will comment on my draft 3. I will use the symbolism of my photograph and incorporate that theme in with the history of the photo. I like the history of the photo because it gives me a lot to talk about and write.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sue Blog #15 Places

I have so many feelings on the places I have been. The first one to come to mind was Trinidad West Indies. This was the place of my birth and where I spent the first six years of my life. This was the place I learned to read and write and before I left to come to America, I was learning my multiplacation tables. Also when I think about Trinidad, I think of unusual insects. I hated the lizards that came out at night on the ceiling of my bedroom. The house had three bedrooms; one for the girls no matter how old you were, the second was for the boys, and the third was for my grandparents. The bathroom was called the latrine and it was a good distance away from the main house so the smell was not noticed. I learned very early to go to the latrine before bed because if I had to go when everyone was asleep , no one would walk with me in the dark. The lartine was just a deep hole in the ground where "you-know-what" would go. It is funny what you remember. And during the rainy season, snakes came out in the corn field. My grandfather would make the girls pick the feathers off the chicken after he separated the chicken's neck from its body. After the separation the chicken's body would jerk as if the neck was still on. There was no turning away this was tonights dinner and everyone had to help in prepartation. The feelings of this place is warm, loving, safe, and belonging.

My second place that brings back a lot of emotion was when my sister and I came to America. The plane ride was scary and I hated saying goodbye to my grandmother, aunts and uncles. My grandmother handed us ( my sister and I) off to the stewardess and we went towards the plane with tears in our eyes. We sat up front with the stewardess and they gave us "wings" because we were good. During the plane ride we got soda, peanuts and I think lunch. The plane ride was scary and my ears clogged up a lot and the stewardess told me to swallow. The feeling of this place was sadness, scared,confussion, unhappy.

The third place was my new home in Brooklyn, New York ( in Bushwick 11207). Yes, I even remember my old zip code. This was my home until I finished high school. It was a very new experience. The bathroom was inside and the tv had more than 2 stations. In this house, since I was the oldest, I had my own room and my younger sisters had to share. We made new friends that made fun of the way we spoke. In Trinidad you learned the "King's English" in school. It was just more proper than my friends spoke in Bushwick. The steering wheel was on the left side and not on the right as in Trinidad. In school the kids did not wear uniforms and the nuns did not look at your finger nails ever day during line up as in Trinidad. All the differences seemed to benefit me, but I still missed my grandmother and her kissing me good night and good morning. The feeling of this place was mixed love and hate, adventure, and new friendships.

All grown up now, finished high school, my father relocated to Piscataway(New Jersey) my sisters and I had to move with him, start Katherine Gibbs and worked part time at ChildCraft. ChildCraft was a mail order company that took orders over the phone for Walt Disney customers. The company closed years later, but I remember it as the place I meet my now husband. This was the place I meet my first love, Leroy. I mean I had boyfriends but when I saw Leroy ( my husband) I knew he would be my boyfriend. He was and still is a manly man. Leroy loves all types of sports. He was and still is a tall, dark, cool drink of water that is all mine. Leroy's brother went to Rutgers in New Brunswick and Leroy went to Montclair State. Leroy took a semester off and stayed with his bother off campus in the New Brunswick area. Leroy had to work so his brother got him a job at ChildCraft. And that semester changed my whole life. This place gives me the feeling of happiness, love, courtship, friendship, destiny.

I could talk about the hospital that I had my children, the Piscataway Mayor's office that I got married in, the first apartment my husband, children moved into, the house we know live in, the trip to Canada, Youngstown (Ohio), California, North/ South Carolina, Delaware, Maryland, Brooklyn College, Middlesex County College, Kean Univeristy and all the other places we have been or I have been. But I'm not because it would be to long.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Draft Essay #3

I recieved some really great feed back from my group on friday. The third essay will be about a picture of my niece, nephew, son and daughter. This picture was taken over the summer time.

My family is a very close one, and I just love spending time with them. When my parents came to America years ago from Trinidad West Indies, they were the first of many. My parents each assisted both sides of their family to come to America and make a new life. When each family member arrived in America they lived with us for a year to get a job and buy their own home. So my house was always filled with family and when each member brought their home it was very close to where we lived. All the holidays was very exciting because my mother had 12 brothers and sisters and my father had 10 brothers and sisters, also my grandparents from both sides came. So as you can see with that number my extended family is huge. It seemed that every weekend was a holiday and it was fun. Sometimes you had an argument or two but at the end both parties made up. There was no need for babysitters because there was always someone to watch the children. There was no peer pressure from friends because cousins were the close friends and we all had the same values. It was the best of time and whenI did not want to eat my mother's cooking I could always go to my aunt's or uncle's home and eat with their family.

But after many years it all slowly came to an end. My father was the first to venture out. My father worked for AT&T in Manhattan ( New York) and the taxes was too much so AT&T decided to move to New Jersey. AT&T offered any employee who wanted to move a package that they will pay the total cost of moving and contribute to the cost or mortage of that employees new home. My father said that was an offer that he could not turn away from. Bushwick, Brooklyn was getting very dangerous to live and my father want to move out because he felt it was not safe for us (his girls). This was also the time when my parents went through their divorce and my father wanted a new start. So with all these reasons my father decided to accept the offer made by his job, AT&T. My sisters and I did not welcome the news but my father was the type of man that felt children should be seen and not heard. He did not come and ask us how we felt about the move. He said he was moving and the three of us had to move. We were very sad but we packed up and moved.

Since I was the oldest of my sisters, I had a lot of responsiblities. Living in Brooklyn among my extended family it was not as hard because there was always an adult around. Even when I went through my parents divorce, I still had my aunts and uncles (on both side of the family). The only person who was missing was my mother, but she was there for holidays. This move was a big one because we will be leaving all our family in Brooklyn. God, just saying that is so painful to me. Who will be the adult when my dad goes to work? Who would cook for us? This means that I have to take care of my sisters. How can I take care of them when I am trying to take care of myself.

The first year of the move was hard because it was only the four of us. The house was beautiful and big but I really did not enjoy it because I missed my extended family. I cried for days but did not let my father know, because I know he was doing what was best for us and I did not want to disappoint him. He too was by himself, he too had no one to support him, he did this for his children and I had to be a trooper. Our first Christmas was great because some members of my family would stay for the weekend. That was the best for a little while I would have my family and it would be almost as it was when we all lived in Brooklyn. And that Christmas was all I expected to be and more. I did not want to go to sleep, and I just wanted to absorb as much as I can and I did. But all good things must come to an end and it did. It was time for everyone to go back to Brooklyn and continue their lives. So each of us said "good-bye" and it was hard, but I did it.

not finished yes more to write.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Blog #14

This essay #3 I really don't know what to write about. I went looking through my picture box and just pulled out a picture. So I think I will write about this picture, this picture with my nephew, niece, son, and daughter. I like this picture because every summer my family would come and stay and this started when my son(Yorel 3 years old), daughter (Yazmin was 22 months), nephew (Davon 9 years old), niece (Bianca 7 years old). I enjoyed my niece and nephew coming out to New Jersey for the summer because they played well with my children, it got them out of New York, it gave my sister a single mom a break, and I just like having my family around. The picutre has all four kids playing in my bedroom and I took the picture to capture the memory. My nephew was helping my son ride his bike. I allowed them on rainy days to play inside and they played basketball, video games, roller skated and rode bikes. Bianca always picked up Yazmin and carried her like a baby doll. The boys were more ruff and tumble.

They just woke up and Davon had on a green tee shirt with navy blue shorts, Yorel was on a yellow handle bar toddler tricycle wearing a white tee shirt and plaid boxer, Yazmin had on a flower print nighty and Bianca had on a 2 piece flower print short pj set. The kids were waiting for me to make breakfast and call them into the kitchen to eat. I put them in the bedroom assuming they would watch tv and wait to be called, but when I came into the room I saw how much fun they were having and took the picture.

How should I start the eassy? Should I just describe the picture or give background? Should I talk about the long tradition of them coming out to my house for the summers from then until 2008?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Blog #13

Purple suit with green fins. About 300 lbs and dances around with kids.


Blonde hair sometimes short or sometime long. Very skinny, always wear name brand clothing.
Prada shoes, Michael Kors, Baby Phat, Valentino. And has a miniture dog in a doggy pocketbag,