Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blog #8

My second essay will be about my MOTHER. The mother I am to my children is the mother I wished I had. I am not saying my mother was a bad parent, but I have learned to forgive her and I realize in life "you are what you learn".

My mother was raised in a time when women had no voice, and they did what they were told. But I realize that when you have your own children, you understand your parents better.

Before my mother died, we had closure and I am glad that happened. I love my mom and she greatly influenced the woman, and mother I am today.


Timothy MacHugh Longman said...

I think that this is a great topic. It is very delicate and allows a lot of emotion to be expressed. Most of our parents never had the opportunity that we have today and if you express your appreciation added with your personal experiences I think a lot of people will feel connected to this topic/

Nicole said...

I actually can realte to this topic in more ways then one. Although I do not have children, I have made a vow since I was small and understood where children came from till the day I die, I will forever be a greater mother to my children then my mother was to me. I have learned from her in the baad ways to help me in the good ways in the future. Will the focus of this essay be forgiving? or learning? those are the things i ask myself everyday. I think if you expand more and maybe even give examples of what has happened would be great to make more of an impact with the readers.

Camille.EnglishWriter said...

Wow. I can already see that this essay is going to be very powerful because you will be reflecting on your childhood growing up under the care of your mother, as well as reflecting on the way you raise your children today. There is a little bit of our mother's inside each of us so I guess you can talk more about her positive influences in your life and what she's passed down to you that you are also passing down to your children. Maybe the focus of your essay could be about life lessons from your mother that have impacted your life.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it would be an interesting read. I think writing is at its most compelling when it reveals something very personal about the author, so you have that going for you.

I would like to know more about why you had a rough relationship with your mother, and how you two were able to reconcile your differences.

You know, a friend of mine and I had this interesting discussion, maybe it's relevant to what you're writing about...
We came to the conclusion that people forget that their parents are people too, and fail to realize their foibles are just the types of problems everyone has. We tend to hold them at a higher responsibility for having raised us, but in the end, they're just like anyone else...they just had you.

Diana said...

This can be a very powerful topic. It will be interesting to see how you have associated how your mother was raised and how she acted to the "you are what you learn" philosophy. Did you go against this in your own life or have you adopted some of the same ways as your mother?

Is this story going to be more about you and how you have grown to raise your children, or is it going to be about your mother and how she lived/ raised you?

Angela C. said...

Wow Suzie, I can't wait to read what you write in this essay. I agree with Camiille that this will be very powerful. This is your past, and there is nothing you can do to change it. Can you provide detailed descriptions of a time in your life when you felt lost or upset or frustrated with your mother's parenting skills? Can you also write about what you wish she did and how you have learned from specific examples? Can you also let your reader know about how you made your peace with your mother and how that has changed your life?
I think many people can connect to this topic, though not everyone had a parent, they may have a guardian that has impacted the person that they are today.

Please also let us know how your children behave towards you and how you may sometimes see yourself in your children as well as your mother. What has growing up taught you?

Jenna said...

I like your idea of your topic a lot! Although I do not have children, my mother tells me all the time that when I have my own kids, I'll understand her and her ways of thinking better. I too have learned how to and how not to parent from watching my own (even though 0 kids). I was just wondering what valuable lessons you have learned from you mom? How did your relationship with her affect you relationship with your children? I can't wait to read this essay - I think it will be really great!

Shannon =) said...

Suzanne, you have a great idea already. sometimes in life we wish we had this or we wish you had that. unfortuntately we cant always change that but we can learn from them and apply it to the future. Your relationship with your mother gave you some insights on how to be the mother to your children. you should have no problems writing your essay. =)